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Moonlit Hedge

Little old me, mentioned in the Betwixt and Between podcast!

One of my favorite new podcasts this year has been Betwixt and Between, a dialogue about witchcraft between two friends and fellow practitioners who live in Tennessee. They talk a good deal about the active practice of witchcraft in their daily lives, as well as about both being mothers. They’re well educated, witty and funny at times and I find myself checking my podcatcher frequently to get their latest episode.

Imagine my surprise then, when they mentioned my humble little blog by name! The topic of this month’s podcast was Gardening, Ungardening, and Wilding, in which they discussed at length about their personal gardening practices. They also discussed ungardening, where one allows certain sections of one’s garden to grow wild and remain for the most part, untended. I love this concept, one that I had first stumbled upon in Wendy Johnson’s excellent, “Gardening at the Dragon’s Gate“. This idea works nicely with the rewilding concept, of which they just begin to brush upon towards the end of the episode. I look forward to hearing them discuss it more, especially as the conversation evolves within the community.

For those interested, it was these two posts that they were referencing in the show:

Rewilding Witchcraft: Speaking from the Swamp, Part 1
Rewilding Witchcraft: Speaking from the Swamp, Part 2

Thanks for the mention Betwixt and Between!!!

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