Some thoughts on developing a local practice
I started writing this from the perspective of the rest of the United States. My opening line was something to the effect of, “there’s a… Read More »Some thoughts on developing a local practice
I started writing this from the perspective of the rest of the United States. My opening line was something to the effect of, “there’s a… Read More »Some thoughts on developing a local practice
One of my favorite new podcasts this year has been Betwixt and Between, a dialogue about witchcraft between two friends and fellow practitioners who live… Read More »Little old me, mentioned in the Betwixt and Between podcast!
Blessed Lughnasadh/Lammas to all of my northern hemisphere peeps, as well as a joyful Imbolc to readers in the southern hemisphere! The rains have begun to fall… Read More »Digging in Deeply: Thoughts on Earth and the Food it Gives Us